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Wagyu Beef Portrait: Meat like no other!
Exclusive, sought-after and a marbling that blows your mind! This could be the short portrait of the Wagyu beef breed, one of the most famous varieties in the world. But what is so special about it?
Definition of Wagyu Beef
The hype began with the legendary Koebe Beef. A meat whose degree of marbling amazed the gourmets of this world. Over time, Wagyu Beef came more and more to the fore and from then on both terms were used more and more as synonyms. However, this is not entirely correct.
Wagyu vs. Koebe Beef
Literally translated, Wagyu means nothing more than "Japanese beef" and is, so to speak, the generic term for different breeds of beef such as Koebe, Matsusaka or Omi. When talking about Koebe beef, this meat can only come from the Japanese region of Koebe. A bit like champagne, so to speak. What they all have in common is their extraordinary fatty marbling. This strongly pronounced marbling is not even remotely to be found in any other breed of cattle.
The history of the Wagyu
Marbling as the supreme discipline
These continuous fine fat deposits are also decisive for the special tenderness of the meat and its unmistakable taste. Another factor that caused the hype to explode is that the meat may only be exported from Japan since 2014. As a protected Japanese cultural asset, the only option for international breeding was to raise Wagyu cattle. The first Wagyu cattle outside Japan were bred in the USA in the 1990s.

How healthy is Wagyu meat?
Wgayu beef - not all fat is the same
Quite rightly, in our opinion. But the fat of Wagyu cattle is clearly different from "normal fat".The meat has an above-average proportion of omega-3 and omega-6, as well as simple unsaturated fatty acids. This means that meat is relatively low in cholesterol and provides important nutrients. However, that's no reason to treat yourself to a large portion of it right away. Apart from the high price, it is still a really proud amount of fat that you would consume here.
So, with a normal steak size, you would run out of breath pretty quickly. Therefore, Wagyu beef is generally enjoyed in rather small portions.
Wagyu cattle from Austria
In the meantime, there are also a few Wagyu breeders in Austria who really understand their craft and put animal welfare in the foreground. The high art of marbling that makes up the delicacy is thus mixed with regional and animal-friendly husbandry.
Compared to Japanese cattle, where the primary goal is to achieve maximum marbling, which can only be achieved with little exercise and light deprivation, the focus here is on a balanced fat-meat ratio.The aim is to combine extremely high quality and enjoyment with respectful and species-appropriate animal husbandry.
In Japanese Wagyu cattle, on the other hand, the fat-meat ratio is increased immeasurably through extreme carbohydrate fattening. While this may lead to an extraordinary pleasure experience, the question arises whether this is really what one wants. Because there is virtually nothing "natural" about Japanese Wagyu meat.
This is what Austrian Wagyu tastes like
Since in our regions meat is enjoyed without a high fat content, the Austrian breeding of Wagyus has concentrated primarily on the taste of the meat. The strong marbling is still desired, of course, but is not completely overdone in comparison. Thus, the noble breed of cattle, with its ingenious genetic disposition, meets high-quality feed, perfect husbandry and careful rearing. A real win-win situation, we would say.
The combination of high fat content and glutamic acid, together with the short meat fibres, makes for a delightful experience that will blow your mind. The meat is fabulously tender and almost melts in your mouth. The flavours are strong and make you pause while eating.It is definitely a speciality that you should treat yourself to.
By the way, Wagyu burgers are also excellent. Because the meat can be wonderfully processed into fabulous burger patties.Have you got the urge to try Wagyu yourself? In our online shop you can find exclusive premium cuts from full-blooded Wagyu cattle from the beautiful Waldviertel region.
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